Annotated Summary

Marr L.C, Tang J.W, Mullekom J.V, Lakdawala S.S (2018). Supplementary material from "Mechanistic insights into the effect of humidity on airborne influenza virus survival, transmission and incidence". Journal of the royal society interface, Volume 16(2019), Issue 150.

The recent article written by Marr L.C, Tang J.W, Mullekom J.V, Lakdawala S.S in January, is a study that evaluates the relationship between humidity and human health. In this article, it elaborates on how the atmospheric moisture can cause influenza virus survival and the methods used.

The authors stated that humidity being one of the primary factors played a major part in contributing to infectious diseases including the influenza virus. According to the article, studies have claimed that absolute humidity (AH) was responsible for influencing influenza virus survival along with the transmission. However, through the evaluation of study cases, the authors observed that relative humidity (RH) and temperature made a more significant impact on the influenza virus.

Statistical analysis and equilibrium droplet size are the techniques used in the research. In the article, compatible statistic modelling was practiced in consideration of the prediction and plotting modelling. The main objective of this method was to note the percentage of humidity dependent on the temperature of virus growth. Adding on, the equilibrium droplet size is the connection of aerosols involving salt and proteins with water vapor where the authors personally experimented to find out about the presence of nasal airway fluid in human and respiratory breath. Results have shown that AH was not the main reason for the influenza virus and likely that RH together with temperature was the best match for the virus survival.

Hence, the authors concluded that the combination of temperature and RH is the determining factor of the influenza virus. Temperature controls the intrinsic environment factor of the virus, while humidity can be taken as an extrinsic factor. With this, the article provides an effective platform and reference for the project on how humidity would affect the well-being of the student in general in a school context.


  1. Thank you very much, Tiara, for sharing this summary of an academic journal paper. It has lots of useful information, and it is, as you mention, relevant to the focus of your project.

    However, you still seem to have some problems citing a source -- in-text and end-of-text -- using the APA style. Check out this webpage:

    You might remember the example of an annotated summary that I shared in class:

    In any case, I really appreciate your hard work. I'll give more specific feedback in class.

    1. Hi Prof. Thank you for the feedback on my annotated summary. I still think i have issue citing references even when referencing to your symbaloo page. I will definitely make changes to the citation after knowing how to cite properly. Thank you once again!


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